

Vaslav Nijinsky i meta-format 1900-talets början, en paradvåning i Paris. Lutad över sitt skrivbord och med pennan i ett krampaktigt grepp låter han sin oro rinna över sidbladen. Orden genomsyras av första världskrigets våda, sexuella tvångstankar och rädslan att förlora jobbet. De spretigt nedplitade bokstäverna tillhör honom, Vaslav Nijinsky – guds dansare.

Arena/Plats: Ystads teater

I Sidney Leonis föreställning FLY får vi möta den legendariska danskoreografen Vaslav Nijinsky. Vi följer hans karriär med ryska baletten, hans familjeförhållanden och hans idoga dagboksskrivande. Nedplitade texter som vittnar om en begynnande psykos, vilken inom snar framtid ska övergå i schizofreni. 

I en kombination av film och dans flätas ett historiskt epos samman som tar oss med på en resa genom tid och rum. Här sammansmälter fakta med fantasi, och konstnärer – både levande och döda – samlas för att påminna mänskligheten om vad de behöver mest av allt: Kärlek.

Citat ur Nijinskys dagbok
"I am feeling in the flesh and not intellect in the flesh. I am the flesh. I am feeling. I am God in the
flesh and in feeling. I am man and not God. I am simple. People must not think me. They must feel
me and understand me through feeling."
"My madness is my love towards mankind."
"Now I will dance you the war…. The war which you did not prevent and so you are also
responsible for."

Koncept, regi, koreografi, medverkande för liveframträdande: Sidney Leoni

Kostym: Jennifer Defays & Rachel Lesteven,

Ljusdesign för liveframträdande: Tim Wouters

Filmmedverkande (i alfabetisk ordning): Alain Siebert, Alexandra Cismondi, Andros Zins-Browne, Aurélia Bézia, Aurélia Guinta, Christina Vantzou, Christine De Smedt, Eleanor Bauer, Elias Girod, Emilio Tomé, Estelle Gautier, Fabrice Pio, Guillem Mont De Palol, Halla Ólafsdóttir, Jaime Llopis, Manon Santkin, Marco Herløv Høst, Mette Ingvartsen, Mikko Hyvönen, Miriam Balloussa, Olivier Valkeners, Sidney Leoni, Stav Yeini, Xenia Ingvartsen Charmatz, Zoë Poluch

Berättad av: Caroline Donnelly, Caroline Mozzone, Descha Daemgen, Clive Mitchell

Filmkonst: Artur Castro Freire

Original musik: Yoann Durant, Sidney Leoni

Makeup: Valko

Ledning & administration: Caravan Production (Brussels, BE)

Administration: The Artist Cooperative Interim Kultur (Stockholm, SE) & Plate-Forme POLY
(Paris, FR)

Samproduktion: Weld (Stockholm, SE), Kunstencentrum Buda (Kortrijk, BE), the National Choreographic Center of Caen (French Ministry of Culture and Communication, FR), Moderna Museet (Stockholm, SE) & Dansinitiativet (Luleå, SE)

Residens: Buda Kunstencentrum (Kortrijk, BE), the National Choreographic Center of Caen (FR), Weld (Stockholm, SE), Dansehallerne (Copenhagen, DK), Inkonst (Malmö, SE), STUK – Huis voor Dans, Beeld en Geluid (Leuven, BE), Pact Zollverein (Essen, DE), Howest – ’The level’ / Campus for Digital Arts and Entertainment (Kortrijk, BE), the National Opera House of Toulon (FR), Dansinitiativet/Luleå dance residency (SE), Kunstenwerkplaats (Brussels, BE) & Kaap (Bruges, BE)

Med stöd av: Kulturrådet, Konstnärsnämnden, the Flemish Community, the French Ministry of Culture (Dance Delegation), Stockholm stad, the French Institute in Sweden & the Arts Promotion Center Finland. Turnerar med Dansnät Sverige våren 2023

Längd: 82 min. 
The show is running in English, French and Russian with Swedish and English subtitles.

Föreställningen arrangeras av Ryttmästare John Andréns stiftelse i samband med utställningen Vaslav Nijinsky – tidernas förnyare av balettkonsten, som visas på Ystads stadsbibliotek 3 maj – 8 juli 2023.


Sidney Leoni short biography:

Sidney Leoni (1984, Toulon, France) lives and works in Brussels & Stockholm as a choreographer, dancer-performer and filmmaker. His artistic research explores the field of immersive and experiential theatre and cinema, in which he focuses on the processes and effects of the audience's imaginary and sensory perceptions. With his performance projects Undertone (2010) and Hertz (2013), the theatre space is plunged in complete darkness, becoming the stage for the orchestration of sensory movements such as surround-soundscapes, live music, smells, vibrations, airflows and temperature fluctuations, in correlation to performative situations of encounter and mutual reliance between performers, musicians and audience members.

Sidney's latest projects - the fiction feature film I AM ALMOST NOT MAD (2022) and the film-performance FLY (2022, premiere at Moderna Museet, Stockholm) propose an intimate and very subjective portrait of perhaps one of the greatest dancers of the 20th century, Vaslav Nijinsky, Both works are based on the diary Nijinsky wrote in 1919, in which he reveals his sexual obsession and the horror of the First World War. He also bears witness to his entry into a then newly described psychosis: schizophrenia.

Sidney's first feature film Under Influence (2015, Hiros, premiere at Dansens Hus, Stockholm)) is a work of fiction that he also wrote, directed and produced, starring choreographers-performers Halla Ólafsdóttir and Christine De Smedt. The picture portrays the mysterious and psychotic journey of an actress during the shooting of a motion picture entitled 'Being Kate Winslet'.

In 2008-2009, Sidney took part in the master's programme Research in Choreography at Stockholm University of the Arts, and in 2002- 2006 he followed the bachelor's and master's programme Research in Dance at the Sophia Antipolis University in Nice. Before that, in 1990-1998, Sidney trained as a ballet dancer at the Toulon National Opera in France.

As a performer, Sidney has taken part in works by Mette Ingvartsen: Giant City (2009) and The Artificial Nature Project (2012), Andros Zins-Browne: The Host (2010) and Welcome to the Jungle (2012), and Stina Nyberg: Splendour (2015).

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